- 75gkobergerstacksort
Sorts an array by downloading snippets from StackOverflow. Inspired by http://xkcd.com/1185/. I'm sorry.
- 234mozilla/zamboni
Backend for the Firefox Marketplace
- 65gkobergerstartupnotes
Notes from Y-Combinator's Startup School
- 4gkobergerproduckhunt
Play Duck Hunt with your iPhone
- 18gkobergerBugzillaJS
A userscript that adds additional functionality to bugzilla
- 43gkobergeravataaars
Renders Avataaars.com on the backend so you can use <img> tags
An ephemeral radio station about DX that I broadcasted live for 24 hours straight.
ReadMe BuildBuild makes it dead simple to create, deploy and share world-class APIs in minutes.
StacksortAn implementation of xkcd's StackSort from its 'Inefficient Sorting Algorithms' comic.
Startup NotesEvery year, I doodle notes from Y Combinator's Startup School conference!
Startup PlaybookI illustrated a guide to startups written by Sam Altman from Y Combinator
SlackmojiA Chrome extension that makes it easy to find and add emojis to Slack
Track TrumpBuilt the website for Track Trump, a project that tracks Trump's first 100 days
An experimental traveling startup project I founded and ran in Costa Rica back in 2014
API MixtapeAt ReadMe, we put on a 300-person day-long conference about building APIs
GreylockUA superhero-themed homepage for Greylock Partner's university recruiting program
GreylockU HackfestDesigned and built the website for Greylock's 24-hour hackathon, which goes from day to night
RateMyDocsA little tool that tells you how good your documentation is compared to everyone else
OliveI made the movie poster and website for Olive, the first full-length movie shot on a cell phone.
APIs & IPAsA monthly meetup where we have different people show off their APIs... and of course, there's beer!
A game that proves no idea is crazy enough that someone in SF isn't legitimately working on it
Hulu With MeAn add-on that let you sync Hulu across multiple computers so you could watch together (unmaintained)
Startup Notes bookI published a physical book of startup advice from YC's Startup School, and donated all profits to Watsi
BugzillaJSA plugin for Bugzilla (think open-source JIRA) that adds a ton of usability improvements
r/sanfranciscoI founded and currently moderate r/sanfrancisco, the subreddit for San Francisco on Reddit
Produck HuntA Duck Hunt parody that uses your cell phone for shooting. First place in the Product Hunt hackathon!
RIT48Ian Mikutel and I ran RIT48 at our university, long before hackathons (or we) were cool
All I've Ever Wanted (Live from the Walt Disney Concert Hall) by Airborne Toxic Event
Ask Culture vs Guess Culture
Story of Your Life and Others by Ted Chiang
A Dark Quiet Death (S1E5) from Mythic Quest
The Midnight Organ Fight by Frightened Rabbit
xkcd, a webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language
The Greatest Title Sequence I've Ever Seen by Tom Scott
Game Changer
Getting Real by 37 Signals
How to Say Nothing in 500 Words
69 Love Songs by Magnetic Fields
Kitchen Confidential (Audiobook) by Anthony Bourdain
Please do not be cynical by Conan O'Brien
The Sad, Beautiful Fact That We're All Going To Miss Almost Everything by Linda Holmes
Ted Lasso
How to Win Friends and Influence People
We Don't Sell Saddles Here by Stewart Butterfield
Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me!
Barenaked Ladies
The Story of Watsi by Chase Adams at Startup School
The Rehearsal by Nathan Fielder
Offbook: The Improvised Musical
Bojack Horseman
Mystery Show by Starlee Kine
Maker's Schedule, Manager's Schedule by Paul Graham
My Girlfriend's Boyfriend by Mike Birbiglia
Finding Frances from Nathan for You
Orson Welles Talks About Making 'Citizen Kane'
Kellogg's from One More Thing: Stories and Other Stories by B. J. Novak
You Made It Weird by Pete Holmes
Arrested Development
Jake and Amir
Little Big Details
Magic For Humans
1,001 Rules for my Unborn Son
Hamilton (Original Broadway Cast)
· New York, US
- Joined March 11, 2009
- 6,554 checkins in 18 countries
- United States🇺🇸 Thailand🇹🇭 Peru🇵🇪 Viet Nam🇻🇳 Canada🇨🇦 Bolivia🇧🇴 Italy🇮🇹 Costa Rica🇨🇷 Cambodia🇰🇭 France🇫🇷 Switzerland🇨🇭 Mexico🇲🇽 Taiwan🇹🇼 China🇨🇳 Portugal🇵🇹 United Kingdom🇬🇧 Iceland🇮🇸 Laos🇱🇦
Okay okay, I know there's a lot on this site. However, this is my main passion! I'm the founder of ReadMe, a way to build interactive API documentation!
Check out ReadMe

🎤 Microphone It's the end of web dev as we know it
🎶 And I feel fineeee

1. Hire a bunch of minimum wage humans to pretend to be AI pretending to be human
2. Wait for AI to be invented
*throws something*